potty training advice and support package

Are you in need of some potty training advice and support?
Is it time to potty train your little one? Are you unsure of what to do for the best? Has it been a while since you last tried potty training? Have you tried potty training but its not going to plan?
If the answer to any of the questions above is YES, then you are in the right place!
Baby Poppins offers a potty training advice and support package from just £85.
The Twinkle Package includes:
- A 45 minute consultation
- A potty training plan
- 4 support messages via WhatsApp or email (to use within the first two weeks)
- A review call
To find out more about our potty training advice and support package, please sign up below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, have you looked at the potty training advice from the NHS? The website provides a wealth of information that could help ease your mind and give you a good starting point.
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